The Giza pyramids are a must-see for any visitor to Egypt. If you’re a history buff, a couple, a time-pressed tourist, or a budget traveler, there’s a tour to Giza from Cairo that will help you see these ancient desert wonders before returning home.

For the Budget Traveler

A visit to this UNESCO World Heritage Site does not have to be expensive. A full-day pyramids tour in a small group balances the value of a professional guide with the intimacy of a small group, allowing you to ask questions. Combine your visit to the pyramids with stops in Memphis and Sakkara for even better value.

For the History Buff

Few locations on the earth may compare to the historical importance of the Giza pyramids, one of the ancient world’s wonders. If you’re interested in history, take a tour with an Egyptologist guide who can provide even more information and insight into the historical wonders you’ll be seeing, from the Great Sphinx to ancient Memphis.

For Couples

Combine an Egyptologist tour guide–led day tour of the ancient Giza pyramids with a romantic dinner cruise down the Nile River to experience all that Egypt has to offer in terms of romance. The ultimate date night in Cairo includes gourmet Egyptian cuisine and a traditional dance show.

For the Time-Crunched Visitor

If you only have a limited amount of time in Cairo, take a private tour that includes the pyramids and Sphinx (along with a camel ride on the Giza plateau), Cairo’s Egyptian Museum, and a traditional Egyptian bazaar where you can shop for souvenirs and gifts to take home.

New Cairo Travel NCT is ready to offer our guests, the best trips in Egypt and itineraries to discover most of the important things to see in Egypt.”